Q: Where are you located?

This is a Webshop of the company WoW Shop GmbH, Baarermattstr. 8b, 6340 Baar, Switzerland

Company Number: CH44040367413 

Taxes Number: CHE-426.651.141


info@wowshop-gmbh.ch, +41764142369

Q: Do you have a retail store?


Q: Where can I request a return or exchange?

You can request return or exchange through our contact page.

Q: What currency does your store use?

US Dollar.



Q: Do you ship to my country?

We ship to well over 200 countries.

Q: Is it possible to get free shipping?

Yes. We provide free shipping.

Q: When will my order ship?

We shipped withing the next 24 hours after receiving the payment.

Q: How long before I receive my order?

It will take between 14 to 21 days to ship at the moment, because Covid 19 it takes this Time.

Q: Who is your shipping provider?

Shipping works with USPS, UPS, and DHL, EMS.

Q:  Are there any fees if I'm outside of the US?

Yes. The standard shipping fee applies.



Q: Is there order and shipping confirmation?

Yes. You will receive a confirmation once your order is made. A shipping confirmation email or an SMS with the tracking number will be sent to you.

Q: Why is my tracking link not showing me anything?

If you tracking number doesn't work or has errors, it could be that your shipping hasn't been picked up by the courier or the courier has not scanned it as received. Please allow up to 24 hours for your tracking number to be logged by the shipping courier.

Q: My package is missing. What should I do?

You can try track your package, if you have a tracking number for it. Or you can contact us directly from our contact page.

Q: Where can I enter my discount code?

You will enter it at the check out.

Q: Can I use multiple discount codes when placing my order?

No. You can only use only one discount code.

Q: Do you offer gift cards?

Yes. Occasionally during special days. eg: Mothers Day, Christmas... 

Q: Can I change or cancel my order once I submit it?

Yes. You can cancel order placed within the next 12 hours of order being made.